What Psychologist Theodore Xenophen Barber Said About Hypnosis in 1961...


(Wikipedia) Theodore Xenophon Barber (1927–2005) was an American psychologist who researched and wrote on the subject of hypnosis,[1] publishing over 200 articles and eight books on that and related topics. He was the chief psychologist at Cushing Hospital, Framingham Massachusetts, from 1978-86.

An outspoken critic of hypnosis, Barber had this to say in a paper titled "Antisocial and Criminal Acts Induced by "Hypnosis"A Review of Experimental and Clinical Findings"...

Between the years 1888 and 1927 Bernheim, Liebault, Binet, Moll, Schilder, and other investigators participated in an ongoing debate concerning the question: Can immoral or criminal acts be induced by hypnosis?18,21,24,31 Evidence accumulated during recent decades has provided an answer: Some persons who are said to be "hypnotized" can be made to commit acts which are defined by objective observers as dangerous, criminal, or immoral—to steal,17,37 to violate sexual mores,26 to injure themselves, to injure others,33,38 to attempt murder,29,36 and to commit manslaughter.31 The problem at hand is not, Can such acts be elicited by "hypnosis,"28 but, Which of the many concrete conditions subsumed under the abstract term hypnosis are instrumental and which irrelevant to producing such behavior?


Other Links

The Mayo Clinic on Hypnosis

Johns Hopkins on Hypnosis

The AMA on Hypnosis

Am Psychiatric Assoc on Hypnosis

Am Psychological Assoc on Hypnosis